Alternative Asset Classes
It is an asset of wealth that does not belong to one of the normal investment categories.

This is an asset that isn't classified under any traditional investing categories. Hedge funds, managed futures, art and antiques, commodities, derivatives contracts, pre-IPO or secondary market trading, private equity or venture capital, and Initial Public Offerings are examples of alternative investments.
• Individual Equity
• Capital for Ventures
• Prior to IPO
• Trades in Secondary Markets
• First Public Offers
• Controlled Prospects
• Agreements on Derivatives
Bennet Investment alternative investment vehicles are seen to be the ideal complement to the more conventional asset classes. This highly selective opportunity has become available to Bennet Investment customers thanks in large part to our ability to source and establish partnerships and understandings with firms wishing to go public or raise cash at early or late-stage venture capital rounds within the secondary markets.
One way Bennet Investment sets itself apart from its rivals is by making alternative investment vehicles available to ordinary clients. Typically, these vehicles are only available to institutional or High Net Worth individual investors.